“Volatility is price of admission. The prize inside is superior long-term returns. You have to pay the price to get the returns.” – Morgan Housel
After a relatively calm equity market environment since 2022, the U.S. stock market has shown signs of stress to begin 2025. Market stress can be described as volatility (the amount the...

Although 2024 may be the Year of the Dragon according to the lunar calendar in Asia, perhaps it is more appropriate to call 2024 the Year of the Election. This year people across the world in more than 60 countries including...

The holiday season allows a chance to step back, spend time with loved ones, and reflect on events over the past year. Within the financial realm, some of the major themes of the year included the Federal Reserve & interest rates, the resilient performance of the stock market...

In late 2022, professional economists gazed into their crystal balls and made near-term forecasts for the U.S. economy & markets. Many of these predictions focused not on if but when the U.S. would stumble into a recession in short order, due...